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Hi everyone & Happy New Year!

I hope you had a safe and happy holiday season. Santa was good to me with books and LOTS to eat, which seeing that my New Year’s Resolution is to become the Fat of The Land, worked out perfectly.

As we begin, I wanted to discuss the Newsletter for a moment.

One thing that I have occasionally pointed out is that this is YOUR newsletter, not mine. I am merely the caretaker.

I have been producing this newsletter since 2007 and there are a couple of favors that I would like to ask of you.

First, and this is an easy one, is that if you are reading this newsletter, let me know. Whether you love it, loathe it or need to be “marked safe from” it, let me know, so I can get an idea of whether there is still an audience or a need for it. A simple “yeah, I read the garbage” will do.

Secondly, I need articles. It was suggested once that I write an article on digital modes and their comparative features. I can’t do this, as I am in no way versed in the subject. I see we use DMR, Allstar, D-Star, EchoLink, IRLP, WinLink along with social media platforms such as Zello & Telegram and the more familiar Twitter, Facebook and MeWe.

Some I am familiar with, some are complete mysteries to me, and I can’t fake the knowledge needed to write a credible, coherent article, but there are others with our group who are very knowledgeable in these modes and if they could write a simple overview for dummies such as I on how they work, and how ALERT utilizes these modes it would be appreciated.

That’s all!

I hope 2022 is kind, peaceful and prosperous for you!


Optimizing An HF Transceiver’s General Coverage Capabilities

One feature most modern High Frequency transceivers feature is a top rate general coverage receiver, usually covering from 100 kHz to 30 MHz, This covering the longwave, mediumwave, and shortwave portions of the radio frequency spectrum.

These frequencies cover broadcast, marine, aviation, government, and of course amateur radio frequencies.

Forty-four years ago, as a young amateur and even before, I would have given my eyeteeth to have my grubby little hands on such a resource, as I was and still am interested in shortwave radio and AM DXing.

The first taste of these capabilities came when I found a Radio Shack DX-300 receiver at a Birminghamfest in the 1980’s. This receiver was unique in that it covered the mysterious realm below 100 kHz, covering, according to the box, from 10 kHz to 100 kHz. In reality, it went all the way down to 3 kHz.

Using transformer wire salvaged from old TV sets I strung 1000 feet of wire in the back yard, which gained me a visit from a Birmingham fireman cautioning me against installing an electric fence in Birmingham. I explained it was an antenna used for receiving very low frequency signals and apparently, he did not believe me, for a week later I heard a voice outside my house saying “no, it’s an antenna, haven’t you ever seen an antenna before?” I looked out to see a BFD Lieutenant explaining the wire to the fireman I had spoken to.

I never heard from them again.

Using that antenna and a crude filter I made to filter out bleed over from AM broadcast stations, I was able to tune in the USSR Alpha navigation beacon on 11.9 kHz, and the now defunct US Omega navigation beacons at 10.2, 13.6 &11.33 kHz. Scattered around I heard jingle of RTTY being sent by the US Navy to submerged submarines, the weird sounding digital signal of WWVB on 60 kHz setting folks “atomic clocks”.

Also, there were strange natural signals such as “whistlers” which sound like someone whistling “whew”, which are radio waves caused by thunderstorm lightning strikes in South America travelling along the Earth’s magnetic field to a similar longitude in the Northern hemisphere, and the “dawn chorus” a birdlike sound that occurs at dawn.

To quote Wikipedia “The electromagnetic dawn chorus is believed to be generated by a Doppler-shifted cyclotron interaction between anisotropic distributions of energetic (> 40 keV) electrons and ambient background VLF noise.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Frequencies below 3 kHz are in use. Namely by the Indian and Russian Navy. The Russian ZEVS (Zeus) system transmits signals to deeply submerged submarines on 82 Hz. The rules of physics become mushy at these low frequencies and due to this radio waves travel lower than the speed of light. Signals must be sent very slowly and basically it is used as a pager telling the submarines to rise to a level where they can receive commands from the VLF systems.

Why manufacturers don’t include these frequencies below 100 kHz, I don’t know. But I wish they did.

Back on topic, while most hams now have good general coverage receivers at their fingertips, many, perhaps most, never venture out of the ham bands to explore what is out there. In fact, there is an old joke that some hams set their VFOs to 3.965 MHz, the Alabama Section Net frequency, glue the tuning shaft in place and break off the knobs, never venturing anywhere else and never powering down either.

But there is a fascinating world “between the bands” to be explored. Whether it is shortwave broadcasters, ships at sea or transoceanic air traffic, it’s all out there waiting to be heard. There is heavy use of HF by the world’s militaries. Some is in CW, most is in USB and is not scrambled, but readily heard.

Low VHF is also heavily used between 30 & 35 MHz by military forces. That’s why tanks, Humvees and have long antennas like the 102” whips you sometimes see for CB radios. Both the US Army and the Russian Army used these frequencies. A point to remember if you have a scanner.

Recently I acquired a Yaesu FT-817ND, which is an all mode QRP rig, covering HF, 6 meters, 2 meters and 70 centimeters aka “440”.

Though the manual says somewhat differently, 100 kHz – 30 MHz and 30 MHz to 50 MHz, the HF portion covers from 100 kHz to 33 MHz, and then the low VHF portion picks up at the 30 MHz point and continues to 56 MHz, providing all mode coverage.

This radio has 200 channels and as I started programming the various repeaters, a friend suggested that the way I was programming the radio was not utilizing this radio to its full potential.

He pointed out that if I program an HF frequency into memory and touch the VFO, the frequency will go up or down. Using this idea, I could use the memory as a secondary band switch and preprogram whatever band I wanted, in addition to the amateur bands covered by the normal band selector.

Going with this approach, the following is how I have programmed this radio. Perhaps you can use the same method to program your radio.

  1. 135.7 kHz 2200 Meter Ham Band (135.7 – 137.8 kHz)
  2. 472.0 kHz 630 Meter Ham Band (472.0 – 479.0 kHz)
  3. 530.0 kHz AM Broadcast Band (530.0 – 1710.0 kHz)
  4. 2.300 MHz 120 Meter Medium Wave Band (2.300 – 2.495 MHz) local tropical regions
  5. 3.200 MHz 90 Meter Shortwave Band (3.200 – 3.400 MHz) local tropical regions
  6. 3.900 MHz 75 Meter Shortwave Band (3.900 – 4.000 MHz) eastern hemisphere
  7. 4.750 MHz 60 Meter Shortwave Band (4.750 – 4.995 MHz) local tropical regions
  8. 5.900 MHz 49 Meter Shortwave Band (5.900 – 6.200 MHz) good year long night
  9. 7.200 MHz 41 Meter Shortwave Band (7.300 – 7.450 MHz) Europe year long night
  10. 9.400 MHz 31 Meter Shortwave Band (9.400 – 9.900 MHz) most heavily used band
  11. 11.600 MHz 25 Meter Shortwave Band (11.600 – 12.100 MHz) best in summer
  12. 13.570 MHz 22 Meter Shortwave Band (13.570 – 13.870 MHz) Eurasia summer best
  13. 15.100 MHz 19 Meter Shortwave Band (15.100 – 15.830 MHz) day good, night varies
  14. 17.480 MHz 16 Meter Shortwave Band (17.480 – 17.900 MHz) day good, night varies
  15. 18.900 MHz 15 Meter Shortwave Band (18.900 – 19.030 MHz) lightly used
  16. 21.450 MHz 13 Meter Shortwave Band (21.450 – 21.850 MHz) Asia – Pacific region
  17. 25.670 MHz 11 Meter Shortwave Band (25.670 – 26.100 MHz) seldom used
  18. 26.965 MHz Citizens Band Radio Service (26.965 – 27.405 MHz) CB 10-4!
  19. 2.500 MHz WWV Colorado – Time & Frequency
  20. 5.000 MHz WWV Colorado & WWVH Hawaii – Time & Frequency
  21. 10.000 MHz WWV Colorado & WWVH Hawaii – Time & Frequency
  22. 15.000 MHz WWV Colorado & WWVH Hawaii – Time & Frequency
  23. 20.000 MHz WWV Colorado – Time & Frequency
  24. 3.330 MHz CHU Ottawa, Ontario – Time & Frequency
  25. 7.850 MHz CHU Ottawa, Ontario – Time & Frequency
  26. 14.670 MHz CHU Ottawa, Ontario – Time & Frequency
  27. 25.890 MHz Image NOAA Weatheradio 162.550 MHz (the image is 136.660 MHz lower)
  28. 3.965 MHz Alabama Traffic Net LSB
  29. 3.975 MHz Georgia Single Sideband Net LSB
  30. 3.980 MHz Tennessee Phone Net LSB
  31. 3.862 MHz Mississippi Section Net LSB
  32. 3.950 MHz North Florida Section Net LSB
  33. 3.935 MHz Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net LSB
  34. 7.243 MHz Alabama Traffic Net – Alternate LSB
  35. 7.268 MHz Hurricane Watch Net – Alternate LSB
  36. 14.325 MHz Hurricane Watch Net USB
  37. 28.400 MHz Alabama Calling Frequency (unofficial) USB
  38. 29.600 MHz FM Calling Frequency – Simplex
  39. 29.620 MHZ Repeater – minus 100 kHz input
  40. 28.640 MHz Repeater – minus 100 kHz input
  41. 28.660 MHz Repeater – minus 100 kHz input
  42. 28.680 MHz Repeater – minus 100 kHz input
  43. 50.110 MHz DX Window CW & USB
  44. 50.125 MHz USB Calling Frequency
  45. 50.150 MHz North Alabama Net USB 8:30 PM Mon – Sat
  46. 50.400 MHz AM Calling Frequency
  47. 52.525 MHz FM Calling Frequency – Simplex
  48. 53.090 MHz Bessemer, Jefferson County, AL – minus 1 MHz input – no tone
  49. 53.110 MHz Warrior, AL – minus 1 MHz input – 131.8 Hz tone
  50. 53.310 MHz Cullman, Cullman County, AL – minus 1 MHz input – no tone
  51. 53.750 MHz Pelham, Shelby County, AL – minus 1 MHz input – 100.0 Hz tone
  52. 144,200 MHz USB Calling Frequency
  53. 145.130 MHz “Bald Rock”, St. Clair, County – minus 600 Hz input – 103.5 Hz tone
  54. 145.230 MHz Birmingham, AL – UAB – minus 600 Hz input – 203.5 Hz tone
  55. 145.350 MHz “Tall Tower”, Tuscaloosa County, AL – minus 600 Hz input – 91.5 Hz tone
  56. 145.450 MHz Palmerdale, Jefferson County, AL – minus 600 Hz input – 100.0 Hz tone
  57. 146.520 MHz FM Calling Frequency – Simplex
  58. 146.580 MHz Central Alabama Simplex Net
  59. 146.620 MHz Moody, St. Clair County, AL – minus 600 Hz input – 146.2 Hz tone
  60. 146.640 MHz Jasper, Walker County, AL – minus 600 Hz input – 123.0 Hz tone
  61. 146.700 MHz Nectar, Blount County, A – minus 600 Hz input L – 91.5 Hz tone
  62. 146.760 MHz Birmingham, Jefferson County, AL – minus 600 Hz input – 88.5 Hz tone
  63. 146.840 MHz Warrior, Jefferson County, AL – minus 600 Hz input – 156.7 Hz tone
  64. 146.880 MHz Birmingham, Jefferson County, AL – minus 600 Hz input – 88.5 Hz tone
  65. 146.980 MHz Columbiana, Shelby County, AL – minus 600 Hz input – 88.5 Hz tone
  66. 147.075 MHz Trafford, Jefferson County, AL – plus 600 Hz input – 67.0 Hz tone
  67. 147.120 MHz Corner, Jefferson County, AL – plus 600 Hz input – 100.0 Hz tone
  68. 147.140 MHz “Hueytown”, Jefferson County, AL – plus 600 Hz input – 156.7 Hz tone
  69. 147.280 MHz Birmingham, Jefferson County, AL – plus 600 Hz input – 100.0 Hz tone
  70. 147.320 MHz Helena, Shelby County, AL – plus 600 Hz input – 88.50 Hz tone
  71. 147.555 MHz “The Triple Nickel” FM Simplex
  72. 432.100 MHz Trussville, Jefferson County, AL
  73. 443.775 MHz Nectar, Blount County, AL- plus 5 MHz input – 91.5 Hz tone
  74. 444.200 MHz Quinton, Walker County, AL – plus 5 MHz input – 179.9 Hz tone
  75. 444.700 MHz Birmingham, Jefferson County AL – plus 5 MHz input 179.9 Hz tone
  76. 444.875 MHz Birmingham, Jefferson County, AL – plus 5 MHz input – 131.8 Hz tone
  77. 444.975 MHz Birmingham, Jefferson County, AL – plus 5 MHz input – 156.7 Hz tone
  78. 446.000 MHz FM Calling Frequency – Simplex
  79. 145.800 MHz International Space Station Downlink – input 144.490 MHz

Having programed 79 positions, I still have 121 channels I could use. I could program my favorite AM or FM radio stations, local aviation frequencies in the 108 – 130 MHz band, etc.

On the FT-817ND there is also a Channel 601 – 605 section, which covers the 60 meter amateur band.

Those I was careful not to delete!

A few notes:

Just above the 2200 meter ham band there is a longwave AM broadcast band used in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. This band lies between 153 – 279 kHz and is occasionally heard in North America. These stations have a much higher wattage output than stations in the standard AM Broadcast band, which are typically limited to 50,000 watts, with 300 kw and over a megawatt not being unusual.

Scattered throughout from 195 to 530 kHz are aeronautical Non-Directional Beacons, recognizable by their two or three letter CW ID’s. Birmingham’s NDB “BH” is on 224 kHz, Bessemer’s “BEQ” is on 368 kHz.

In North America the standard AM broadcast band uses channels spaced 10 kHz apart. In Europe and Africa, they are spaced 9 kHz apart. Under perfect conditions it is occasionally possible to hear these stations between the North American stations.

Though the AM band technically starts at 530 kHz, there are a few stations, most notably Radio Enciclopeia in Havana, Cuba on 530 kHz.

The 75 meter Shortwave Broadcast band lie inside the 75 meter amateur band, from 3.900 – 4.000 Mhz. The 41 meter Shortwave Band overlaps the 7.200 to 7.300 MHz portion of the US 40 meter amateur band, which is why you hear broadcast stations on those frequencies.

One oddity is how signals can be booming in from Europe on the 41 meter Shortwave Band, and yet the 40 meter ham band is “dead”, seeing they are on the same frequencies.

I included the CB Band in my setup as I have been CB capable since 1976 and always will be.

The FT-817ND is designed where it will not transmit outside of the amateur bands. I like this, since it helps prevent one from accidently transmitting out of band. It is possible, and I know how, to do a “CAP{/MARS Mod” to it to allow it to transmit out of band. I have zero interest in doing so. One reason being that if my technical skills should prove to be smaller than my ego, I would ruin a perfectly good radio.

The other reason being when I want to transmit on CB frequencies, I have good LEGAL CB radios that do the job quite nicely. They are “stock”, having not had the “Golden Screwdriver” put to them to crank out ½ watt more punch or to go “freeband” up and down the spectrum, jeopardizing my ham, GMRS and General Radiotelephone licenses.

Plus, there is a concept of “doing things the right way” which still applies or should.

If you wonder why 25.890 MHz is included, the FT-817ND does not cover the 162 MHz range and so it cannot receive NOAA Weatheradio transmissions. But, due to a design quirk, that region is receivable 136.660 MHz lower as the signals can penetrate the IF chain of the radio if in close proximity. So, if you are close enough to the transmitter, you can pick up NOAA Weatheradio, 162.550 MHz at 25.890 MHz, which is 136.660 MHz lower than the 162.550 MHz frequency.

I did not include possible subtones for the 10 meter repeaters. During a band opening it is impossible to predict what will come in and from where. That’s where the being able to quickly “program on the fly” and change or plug in a subtone comes in handy. Find the tone, program the tone and ham away!

Information on local 6 meter repeaters are problematic. One source telling me one thing, another saying another “this repeater is off”, “this repeater is off and on” and “unless you have 400 watts you might as well not even try”, which is certainly encouraging and hopefully not exactly true.

Noticeably absent from the list are two 2 meter repeaters: Mt. Cheaha, 147.090 MHz, in Calhoun, County 131.9 Hz tone and Tuscaloosa, 146.820 MHz, 118.8 Hz.

Due to me being stuck between two elongated Southwest to Northeast oriented 1000 foot mountains, namely Red Mountain and Shades Mountain, I can’t hear them, let alone hit them, so I felt there was no need include them in my set up.

The 2 and 440 MHz repeaters listed are the repeaters which I can actually reach. Others reading this who aren’t stuck in a valley, as I am and probably can reach many others.

No 220 frequencies are included since the FT-817ND doesn’t feature this band. Very few radios do, which is a shame.

Once, when I had 220 capabilities, I was able to work the 220 MHz repeater on Monsanto Mountain in Huntsville on an HT from Red Mountain. This showed me the band’s potential. 220 MHz unfortunately is a little used band, whether due to lack of interest, a lack of equipment or both.

Also not included are oddball “SHTF” frequencies touted by various groups and websites. In an actual real-life emergency, you want to go to your counties ARES, SKYWARN or Club frequencies. Just going to some random frequency because someone somewhere said so will not produce the results you are looking for. Nor will buying a radio and never bothering to learn how it works, how to use it effectively, what its limitations are and how to overcome problems when the performance doesn’t match the advertising.

Which is why if you intend to ever transmit on a ham radio you need the knowledge gained by studying, getting licensed and using the radio regularly so you can become proficient and see what really can and can’t be done. In fact, not just because of legalities, the knowledge and experience gained can make the difference in a life-or-death situation, where just making excuses thinking that “I’ll just call for help, after all anything is legal in emergencies” is a foolish approach.

If you get a radio for life and death scenarios, get the best you can currently afford, learn how to use, and care for it with proficiently and use it regularly.

Otherwise, you have merely invested in a false sense of security.


Mark’s Almanac

January is named for the Roman god Janus, the god of gates and doors, and so openings and beginnings.

January receives more sunlight than December, but the equilibrium between incoming solar heat and the heat radiated into space by the northern snowfields does not peak until late January and early February, six weeks after winter solstice. So, the weather continues to cool, with January 8 – 20 being the coldest part of the year.

Typically, in January there is a 53% chance of up to one inch of snow and a 25% chance of over one inch of snow.

There is has been less snowfall this year than normal, as usually we see except for the southern tip of Nova Scotia, all of Canada and roughly one half of the Continental US, or “CONUS”, are usually covered with snow. Canada’s Hudson’s Bay is frozen, as is the ocean water between Baffin Island and Greenland.

Barometric pressure is highest in January.

Though the Atlantic Hurricane Season officially ended November 30, every now and then Mother Nature will give us a surprise as there have been 5 tropical storms and 3 Category 1 hurricanes from 1851 to 2020. This includes an unnamed hurricane in 1938 in the Eastern Atlantic & Hurricane Alex which in 2016 effected Bermuda and the Azores.

Birmingham January climatology per Intellicast is monthly rainfall 5.45” inches and snowfall 0.7”. Average high temperature is 53 degrees and the average low 32 degrees. Record high of 81 degrees occurred in 1941 and a record low of -6 degrees in 1985.
Barometric pressure is highest in January.

Days grow longer as the Sun’s angle above the noonday horizon steadily increases from 33.5 degrees at the beginning of the month to 39.2 degrees at the month’s end. Daylight increases from 9 hours 59 minutes on January 1 to 10 hours 33 minutes on January 31.

Sunrise and sunset times for Birmingham are:

January 1 Sunrise 6:52 AM Sunset 4:50 PM
January 15 Sunrise 6:51 AM Sunset 5:02 PM
January 31 Sunrise 6:44 AM Sunset 5:17 PM

Looking skyward, at the beginning of the month, the Sun, magnitude -26.8 is in Sagittarius

At the beginning of the month Mercury, magnitude –0.8, is very low in the west-southwest during twilight in Sagittarius.

Mercury reaches his highest point in the evening sky, or “Greatest Eastern Elongation” of 19.2 degrees from the Sun on January 7. This is the best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look for the planet low in the western sky just after sunset.

He will then begin descending towards the horizon as the weeks pass and by mid-month will disappear beneath the horizon.

Mercury will pass between the Earth and the Sun or be in “Inferior Conjunction on January 23.

He will reach his closest distance to the Sun or Perihelion on January 14.

Venus, magnitude –4.7, is very low in the west-southwest during twilight in Sagittarius and is sinking towards the horizon, disappearing before the first week’s end.

Venus will pass between the Earth and the Sun or be in “Inferior Conjunction on January 8.

She will reach his closest distance to the Sun or Perihelion on January 23.
Earth, magnitude -4.0, as viewed from the Sun, is in the Constellation Gemini.

Earth will reach her closest distance to the Sun on Jan 2, when the planet will be 0.98324 Astronomical Units or 91,403,000 miles from the Sun.

Mars, magnitude +1.6 Scorpius, is on the far side of its orbit from us, so in a telescope it’s just a tiny blob.

Dwarf Planet Ceres, magnitude 7.6, is in Taurus.

Jupiter, magnitude –2.2, in Aquarius, is in the southwest at dusk.

Saturn, magnitudes at +0.8, in Capricorn.

Uranus, magnitude 5.7, in Aries, north of the head of Cetus the Sea Monster, is very high in the south-southeast in early evening.

Neptune, magnitude 7.8, in Aquarius, is high in the south-southwest after dark 20° upper left of Jupiter. Though it is invisible to the naked eye, it adds a fourth planet to the Venus-Saturn-Jupiter line arrayed across the sky.

Dwarf Planet Pluto, with his five moons shines at a dim 14.5 in Sagittarius.

Dwarf Planet 136108 Haumea, its ring, and moons Hiʻiaka and Namaka, shines at a faint magnitude of 17.4 in Bootes.

Dwarf Planet 136472 Makemake with his moon faintly shines at magnitude 17.3 in Coma Berenices.

Dwarf Planet 136199 Eris and her moon Dysnomia is barely visible in the most powerful telescopes at magnitude 18.8 in Cetus the Sea Monster

4884 planets beyond our solar system have now been confirmed as of December 13, per NASA’s Exoplanet Archive

The Moon will be at Perigee or its closest approach to Earth on January 1, when she will be 222,474 miles from Earth.

New Moon occurs January 2 at 12:35 PM CST or 18:35 UTC January 13 when the Moon will on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.

The Quadrantids Meteor Shower will occur Saturday & Sunday, January 3 & 4. This is an above average shower producing between 40 to 100 meteors per hour radiating from the constellation Bootes, in the area near the end of the handle of the Big Dipper and the head of Draco the Dragon.

The shower runs annually from January 1-5. It peaks this year on the night of the 3rd and morning of the 4th. The thin, crescent moon will set early in the evening leaving dark skies for what should be an excellent show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Bootes but can appear anywhere in the sky.

This shower favors the Northern Hemisphere because its radiant point, or the point where the meteors appear to originate in the sky, is so far north on the sky’s dome.

This shower is believed to be produced by dust grains from burnt out comet 2003 EH1, which may also be the remainder of comet c/1490 Y1, which was lost to history after a prominent meteor shower was observed in 1490, possibly due to the breakup of the comet.

First Quarter Moon, or when the moon has only the Western side illuminated, will occur January 9.

The Moon will be at Apogee or its farthest distance from Earth on January 15, when she will be 252,156 miles from Earth.

Full Moon will occur Thursday, January 17, at 5:51 PM CST or 23:51 PM UTC. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be fully illuminated.

January’s Full Moon is “Wolf Moon” in Native American folklore. This was also called “Wulf-Monath” or “Wolf Month” by the Saxons, because at this full Moon, packs of wolves howled in hunger outside of the villages.

It has also been called “Old Moon” and “Moon After Yule”.

Last Quarter Moon, or when the moon has only the Eastern side illuminated, will occur January 25.

The Moon will be at Perigee or its closest approach to Earth on January 30, when she will be 225,092 miles from Earth.


This month’s meeting will be on January 11 at 7PM.

The meeting will be done remotely as was last month’s meeting. Details and instructions will be issued as the time nears.

I hope to see you there!

Mark Wells
ALERT Newsletter

Mark’s Weatherlynx
Weather Resource Database

ALERT / National Weather Service Birmingham Coverage Area
  • ALERT covers the BMX county warning area. Presently, this includes: Autauga, Barbour, Bibb, Blount, Bullock, Calhoun, Chambers, Cherokee, Chilton, Clay, Cleburne, Coosa, Dallas, Elmore, Etowah, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Jefferson, Lamar, Lee, Lowndes, Macon, Marengo, Marion, Montgomery, Perry, Pickens, Pike, Randolph, Russell, Shelby, St Clair, Sumter, Talladega, Tallapoosa, Tuscaloosa, Walker, Winston