Good evening!
Per ALERT’s By-Laws, it’s election season!
At our March meeting, we appointed a nominating committee (Dale Chambers, Justin Glass). Please be sure to provide him your thoughts on the next year’s elected officer nominations soon as you can, should they reach out to you.
The elected positions are: President, VP/Membership, Treasurer, Secretary, NWS Liaison.
Current officers for each of the above: Casey Benefield, Lloyd Palmer, Bill Rodgers, Justin Glass, Russell Thomas.
Appointed positions, for the incoming president to choose: Operations, Training, Public Information Officer.
By-Laws Excerpt: “Election of Officers shall be held at the regular meeting in May. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of 2 voting members at the March meeting. The Nominating Committee shall post its report at the April meeting for all the voting members to review. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the meeting of the elections.”
Have a great week!
Casey Benefield, NZ2O