NWS callouts.
Good evening ALERT Operators!
The NWS is requesting ALERT’s assistance for the event this weekend, due to a shortfall in help with parking, from any ALERT member who can help people park at the event. The group which was previously planned to handle parking is needed for duties/missions related to Hurricane Michael, and will not be able to attend.
Call to action:
If you are able to be at the NWS between the hours of 10AM-3PM, and can help with parking, please contact Casey Benefield, NZ2O (nz2o @ or by Facebook Message to ALERT’s Facebook Page ), as soon as you can. We will need to let the NWS know how many we have volunteering, to coordinate.
I would recommend carrying a HT radio or two, or a couple of batteries, in case needed for the event.
As you are all aware, there’s an awesome event coming up for the kids, big and small, at the National Weather Service 25 Year Anniversary Open House this weekend. I’m a bit excited!
Details and Event Rules Here:
Gerald Satterwhite (KK4IOK) from the NWS sent us a recent email, with a few reminders:
FYI: Rebecca and I have obtained peanut allergen-free candy and have candy bowls for the table. We can’t bring candy containing peanuts, or cross-contaminated. Public event.
Additionally, I’m sure a few of us would love to sit behind this, chatting with the public about amateur radio, and how we can operate when things go kablooey. 😉
Thank you Bill Rodgers (K4FSO), for pointing the printing company (and their low prices) out to us!
This email was sent to:
NWS Participants, ALERT Operational Members, ALERT Board Members.
Thank you all!
Casey, NZ2O
The National Weather Service in Birmingham request ALERT activation for Alberto for 24hrs starting Monday 9am- Tuesday 9am.
NWS request ALERT activation today from 12pm to 2am
NWS request ALERT activation tomorrow from 7pm to 5am.